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In English

The Young Amputees of Finland registered association (SNA ry) is a group which aims to brings together amputees from all over Finland. The association seeks to facilitate the provision of information and support for life after amputation. Its aim is to offer relevant advice to amputees and their relatives, as well as professionals working with amputees.

The main SNA aim is to be peer support at its best. The organisation of events is one way in which shared experiences can benefit all members, but increasingly peer support is moving online. The activities of the SNA are intended to help amputees in coming to terms with their disability and further their attempts to make positive contributions to society.

SNA ry was founded in 1998. Despite the name, amputees of any age are welcome to join, but, of course, being 'young at heart' is seen as being a very positive trait!

1 thoughts on “In English

  1. Teumeni djago nelly

    Hello everyone my name teumeni Djago nelly I come to your strength Association a membership application I am male sex and I'm amputated I would like to join in an association for the disabled here in Finland I live in Helsinki it's maitemant 4 months thank you to want to meet me



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